So many great episodes / moments, but some of my favorites ( in no particular order ):

  • Paulie and Chris lost in the woods. Hilarious.
  • Paulie stealing the espresso maker, cause he's so pissed that these upscale coffee stores "stole" the Italian culture stuff. The look on his face was priceless.
  • When Janice gets hit by Richie .... I saw the look on her face, and remembered thinking "...Richie's a dead man. She's gonna kill him". Other people have told me they were surprised when Janice got her gun and shot Richie. I KNEW she'd kill him, I just didn't know how.
  • Trip to look at colleges with Meadow, ... and so it's not a totally wasted day, Tony gets lucky and is able to settle an old debt by killing a snitch. It's a beautiful thing.

These are just ones that popped into my head now. There are probably a dozen others that deserve a mention here.

Win if you can. Lose if you must. But always, always cheat.