Originally posted by Don Corpuzzi:
I was not a big fan of the Columbus Day storyline. It seemed like the crew was spending way too much time and effort on something that wouldn't really bring them any money or power. And I thought that the whole Iron Eyes Cody thing was kinda lame.
I tend to agree with you, Don Corpuzzi. But I'm wondering if maybe it's just a small piece of a bigger picture. For instance, it could be a way of showing the guys focusing on trivial, non-important issues while larger issues are sneaking up on them and they get caught unawares. Or, perhaps it's laying some kind of foundation for a business deal with Tony and the casino "chief". Anyway, the episode wasn't a total waste...if nothing else, we're beginning to see Paulie in a whole new way!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)