It does look like something is cooking this season with the women. (Pun intentional, awright?!) Carmela's anxiety about their financial future (and TIS, I too believe she's being caring, not selfish) while at the same time developing a potentially disastrous crush on Furio. Janet doing - what? Either a) going after Bobby because she feels she must have a man and/or b)using Bobby to wheedle into Junior's favor (to challenge Tony?) Meadow taking charge of her life and losing her adolescent petulance. And poor Adrianna; betrayed by her one close "friend", now on the spot to rat or go to jail, unsuccessfully trying to pull Christopher out of it; she's collapsing. We see so much of Dr. Melfi's own therapy sessions; to set up a breakthrough? Break w/ Tony? Will her son and Meadow get together??

And that Gloria?! Aaaagghh!

Looking forward to tonight!

( father, Italian, not young, not too well, told me he cried when Tony sat with the ailing horse as the Dean Martin "Rio Bravo" ballad played. It was a surprisingly sweet moment, and I love my dad's reaction. Just wanted to share that about my dad with you all; forgive my sentimentality!)