Originally posted by Lucky_Luciano:
I disagree with you Mick and I will state my reasons.

1)Just because something is popular does not mean the product is of high quality.
2)Swearing is does not give more meaning to the show or a more effective portrayal of the characters.
3)I find the scene you mentioned totally unnecessary, this could have been mentioned instead of shown.
4)How are cursing and swearing funny?
5)If you took away the swearing, sex scenes, and the violence, yes it would be a whole different show, but humor, in its entirety would still be there. I am not saying get rid of all these scenes, I am saying to keep it in reason. I am not saying make it PG 13, I am saying to tone it down a notch. I wonder if there is a limit from the way you’ve addressed your opinion Mick. You know in the future it will get even more graphic, but where do you cross the line? I’m guessing there will be actual sexual contact on shows in the future the rate things are going.
I note and respect your point, LL.

In reply I answer the following:
1)I agree with your quality/popularit statement totally. But I do believe that we should start to talk specifically about the show in question; in this case, I think that David Chase has every right not to change such a winning formula.

2)I disagree. I swear. You swear (I'm sure). Everybody swears when in the right company. Tony swears in the Bing with the guys. Junior swears when he makes a mistake. All the characters swear when angry (as most people do react abruptly in real life) and most characters even apologise in the show when they lack control of their bad language in front of kids.

3)I don't find it necessary in evolving the plot, but how else could Janice get it over to Richie that she wants to clip her brother in the ehat of the moment. She couldn't just blurt out to his face; it just wouldn't have the same effect, and wouldn't be true to Janice's character.

4)Cursing and swearing (which to me is the same thing) is funny due to the way the actors deliver the lines. Junior's use of C*** when he fell in the shower: Hilarious.

5)I disagree totally that the show should be toned down. Don't get me wrong, I think some scenes in the show are very graphic and some even somewhat disturbing. (In all honesty, I do believe that some of the sex could be cut out, but I in no way want them to be.) But when did David Chase set out to not upset viewers. This show is not for children. The subject of the Mafia never will be. It's intended audience are those who do not get upset by this sort of thing. If people do get upset by the things which are shown in the show, then The Sopranos is simply not for them.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?