Godfather 1

Favorite Scene : The meeting of the Dons

Favorite Quote : "Tell that girl you love her with all your heart. If you don't see her again soon you're gonna die"

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : McCluskey/Sollozzo

Favorite Male Character : Sonny

Favorite Female Character : Kay

Best Performance(the actor) : Michael/Al Pacino

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Michael and the train noise

Funniest part in the movie : Clemenza's quote listed above

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 4

Most annoying character : Carlo

Favorite deleted scene : Kay and Michael in the hotel room where they fall between the beds.


Godfather 2

Favorite Scene : The attempted hit

Favorite Quote : "Yeah, there were alot of buffers"

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Roth

Favorite Male Character : Michael

Favorite Female Character : Kay

Best Performance(the actor) : Fredo

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : The cuba scene where Michael realizes it's Fredo

Funniest part in the movie : Frankie and the band

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 5

Most annoying character : Deanna

Favorite deleted scene : Vito doing the killings in Italy.________________

Godfather 3

Favorite Scene : When Mary got killed

Favorite Quote : "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Mary. smile

Favorite Male Character : Vinceint

Favorite Female Character : I guess Connie, beings I didn't like Kay in 3 and can' stomach Mary.

Best Performance(the actor) : Michael

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Micael's silent scream.

Funniest part in the movie : Connie trying to be a mob boss

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 0

Most annoying character : Mary

Favorite deleted scene : Don't know of any


GF Trilogy

These questions are for the 3 movies together:

Fav movie of the 3(and why) : I - It's just the beginning so we get to know the characters

Fav scene : Michael killing McCluskey/Sollozzo

Fav hit : Mary

Fav Male Character: Michael

Fav Female Character : Kay

Best Performance : Michael when Mary dies

Best story (Which one of the 3 had the best story): I - I just like the whole story of I the best.

Fav quote : "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli"

Most annoying character : Mary

Best Ending(which movie had the best ending) : I



Did you read the book (yes/no) : yes

If you did,what do you like more,Book or Movies?(and why)Book. It gives you more insight.

Do you have any rare Godfather items / Memorabilia? No

Would you like to see Godfather 4? Hell no!!!

Who would you like to see playing in GF4? No one

Who would you NOT like to see in GF4? Sophia Coppolla

The "mother" of all questions-who killed the Tahoe assassins? Neri.

Fav animal in the movies (Khartoum(Woltz' horse)/Don Corelone's cat/Fish in Luca's vest/Michaels' dog/The sheeps in Sicily) : Da cat

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.