Godfather 1

Favorite Scene : The shooting of Vito Corleone

Favorite Quote : "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" -Vito Corleone

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : The heads of the New York families and Carlo

Favorite Male Character : Don Vito Corleone (hands down)

Favorite Female Character : anyone but Connie

Best Performance(the actor) : Marlon Brando, and the guy who played Clemenza

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : Baptism scene

Funniest part in the movie : Woltz's racist insults.

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 5

Most annoying character : Connie

Favorite deleted scene : all of them


Godfather 2

Favorite Scene : Any with Fredo

Favorite Quote : Any with Fredo

Favorite Hit(extermination ) : Fredo's

Favorite Male Character : Fredo

Favorite Female Character : none

Best Performance(the actor) : Cazale (sp?)

Most Brilliant moment in the movie : all of it

Funniest part in the movie : none

The story line from 1-5(5 is the best) : 4

Most annoying character : Connie

Favorite deleted scene : all of them

GF Trilogy

These questions are for the 3 movies together:

Fav movie of the 3(and why) : The Godfather, its the first one and the best one.

Fav scene : Shooting of Don Corleone

Fav hit : Everyone in Baptism scene

Fav Male Character: Don Corleone, Clemenza, Tessio, Micheal, Sonny, Tom, Fredo

Fav Female Character : Mama Corleone

Best Performance : Marlon Brando

Best story (Which one of the 3 had the best story): 1 and 2

Fav quote : "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

Most annoying character : Connie

Best Ending(which movie had the best ending) : 1st



Did you read the book (yes/no) : yes

If you did,what do you like more,Book or Movies?(and why) both are excellent

Do you have any rare Godfather items / Memorabilia? nope

Would you like to see Godfather 4? nope

Who would you like to see playing in GF4? noone

Who would you NOT like to see in GF4? everyone

The "mother" of all questions-who killed the Tahoe assassins? Me

Fav animal in the movies (Khartoum(Woltz' horse)/Don Corelone's cat/Fish in Luca's vest/Michaels' dog/The sheeps in Sicily) : The fish, its so cool

It's a Sicilian message, it means the liberals sleep with the fishes.