Originally posted by SC:
A somewhat slow episode, but it still opened the door for some great future action.

Paulie is a real scumbag.....he's so petty. He gets a grand for the landscaper, but he only gives him half!?! He steals the competitor's lawn mower??? WTF was that all about?

If nothing else, this season is better showing a real picture of how the mob operates. They do ANYTHING for you, and they get a piece of your action.

I thought it was one of the most eventful eppisodes out of this or last season.

Things are heating up with Johnny Sac and Little Carmine.
Junior has Alzheimers.
Feech and Paulie almost went to war.

And thats not even the little stuff...

Artie movin in with Tony.
Tony and Janice gettin into a fist fight.

I thought it was a great eppisode. with out a doubt the best this season.

"You can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once."
-Amarillo Slim