A whole hour on this subject of his father's gumada??? No reason for it! A good subplot that should have had limited storytime in this episode, not almost the whole hour. Horrible, just simply Horrible! I was one of the biggest fans of this show, but I am seriously losing interest. If I want to watch a whole HOUR of soap operas I will just watch General Hospital with my wife! The writing for Sopranos has seriously declined big time. What were there really, maybe 2 good episodes this whole season? Hey, I don't mind a little plot rearding personal family crisis, etc. But they just seem to spend the whole hour on these kinds of subjects week after week. They throw in a wacking here and there, but the majority of the subject matter has absolutely nothing to do with mob life anymore. The sad thing is this, as bad is it seems to be getting, this sunday at 9:00 my butt will be in front of the TV watching another episode. I just hope that I can come back on the boards after watching the next one and say how great the episode was. We will see.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.