I agree with Daigo Mick. The episode grows on you. It also has a reality ring to it. The FBI has been all over the mob in recent years; Gotti, Gigante are both in jail.

Things to consider:
- Adriana is gone, but Raymond now becomes the focal point of the FBI in the quest to get Tony. This SHOULD be a big factor in next season's episodes.
- Junior is fading. Tony realizes it. He tried to go to him for advice and realized that Junior isn't home.
- With Tony B gone and Johnny's crew indicted, what are the affects on the Soprano business.
- Does Christopher pick up Tony B's casino? How will the rest of the crew react.
- Does Little Carmine come back in the picture with Johnny Sack out of business?

Many storyline possibilities, but as in the past, many storylines die.

Kudos to Johnny Sack for his flop in the snow. I wonder if it was rehearsed that way or an out take that was better than the reheasal?

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12