Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Well, I think it's awful. I heard it on the news also. In spite of his fame and his role on the Sopranos, if this is true, he's obviously a real asshole in real life. I heard on the evening news, that he bashed her head on the steering wheel, before he dragged her out of the car. Oh yea, a real man's man. :rolleyes:

Sorry, don't mean to preach, but I can't think of a more unfair fight, except maybe beating on a child. I'd like to see him up against someone his own size or bigger (if possible :p ), and see how he likes getting the shit beaten out of him.

Ok, I vented. :p

No... he just beat her. I don't know about that, you are exagerating. And his wife shoulda ran since big pussy is a fat ass. I just don't get you femanists sometimes. :rolleyes:

I may have a bad reputation but I don't have a bad gun.