If the characters in the trilogy had stuck to these, some things might have turned out differently...

Each of these characters resolves to

Luca Brasi: Stay out of bars after closing time
Frank Pentangelli: Stay out of bars before they open
Johnny Ola: Stay off those drafty hotel room balconies
Appolonia: Not drive the car until obtaining a license
Paulie Gatto: Not let anyone block the rear-view mirror
Fredo Corleone: Try three at a time
Kay Corleone: Make no more visits to the abortion clinic
Carlo Rizzi: Not fight with Connie anymore
Peter Clemenza: Lay off the cannolis
Captain McCluskey: Lay off the Italian food
Senator Geary: Stay out of the brothels
Buscetta: Learn English
Phillip Tattaglia: Not fraternize with the help
Moe Greene: Not get so many massages
Cuneo: Get more exercise by using the stairs
Stracchi: Stay out of revolving doors
Connie Corleone: Try some new cannoli recipies
B.J. Harrison: Spend less time in the sun
Grace Hamilton: Not go home with a man the first night

"Difficult....not impossible"