Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
... that was Dallas and they did it because the show became a bust after killing off one of the more popular actors of the show. So a year later they claimed the last year was a dream. What a terrible fake cop out that was...
Maybe...but if you think about it there was really no other way to believably bring back Patrick Duffy as Bobby. The way he was killed the season before left no mistake that the character was dead, dead DEAD. You couldn't bring him back from a long trip or mistaken identity. Having Pam dream it all was the most simple way to continue the story...and it must've worked because the series went on for several (maybe too many) years after that, when without Duffy it probably would've lasted maybe another season.

Speaking of the Soprano's, though...I heard previews this morning on Mark Simone's radio show. Tony is going to dream of what his life would've been like had he been a 'legitimate' business man. Also, not very pleasant things are suppose to happen to Uncle Junior. That's all I remember for now....


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.