DonFerro, you took the words out of my mouth about the women who looked like the figure from his stonemanson dream. Exactly.
I also agree that the acting was somewhat below par. Wasn't the $100k supposed to be $100k from each one of them? Of all the characters, I think Vito is in for a shock.
But I can't understand how, according to next week's previews, Tony recovers so quickly. Of course, a writer can write whatever he wants. But from a logical point of view, I don't see Tony being his old self (as indicated by the previews) so quickly.
Overall, though, we may have missed a cue. What this episode might have been telling us is that if you scratch the surface (Tony) there's only fat beneath, no real muscle. Tony is holding everything together. All of the main players see the trees; only Tony sees the forest.