Originally posted by Mobster_K:
After re-watching it, I think it was a horrible epsiode.
What the hell was up with Tony giving in to Johnny so easily, then forgiving the ambulence driver at the end?
If they go with the good guy angle with T then I may just quit watching it.
The rapper angle was stupid and had no barrings what so ever, same with the Paulie's mother side.
Vito, Chris, and Sil have had 10 mins combined in the last 2 weeks.
I can see why Desperate Housewives is killing it in the ratings. If this continues, just end it this year.
Tony gave into Johhny so easily because, right now, he appreciating his second chance at life, dodging death, and taking his near death experience as a lesson. And that is exactly why he let the EMS worker keep the money. That guy never took any money. Tony saw the opening for a scam once that Insurance lady told him that they looked through his wallet in the ambulance to see what kind of coverage he had. So being the coniving low life that Tony and his crew really are, they took that opportunity to try and scam the EMS worker out of 2 grand. But at the end, Tony, going emotionally through his "thank God I'm alive" mentality, felt guilty that he was scamming this hard working EMS guy, and decided not to take the scam money.
The Paulie and his mother sub-plot had no bearing?
The rapper sub-plot had no bearing?
Are you sure that you watched the show? :p
With all due respect, I suggest that you watch the episode again. It was a very good episode and all plots and sub-plots involved had everything to do with what is and was going on.
Don Cardi