While I didn't completely hate this episode, although I thought it a very weak one, especially for a season finale. An episode like this one would have been ok if it were in the middle, or even towards the end of a season. But to use this one as a season finale was fruitless and dissapointing.

How much did we need to see with Chris and Julianna acting as crack whores? We got the point, but again, like many episodes this season, the writers beat the same old point until we're sick of it ( remember Vito? :rolleyes: ).

I didn't buy the Hospital scene with Phil and Tony. In just a scene or two before, we see Phil, at that sitdown, totally berate and humiliate Tony with his name calling, etc. Now I'm supposed to believe that Tony is reaching out to him while Phil is facing death? Give me a break.

Another unrealistic scene for me was when Tony is in his office at Satriale's Pork Store and he goes out to sit with the FBI guy. No mob boss, or any mobster for that matter, in their right mind would be caught sitting ALL ALONE talking with an FBI agent. It's one thing when all the guys are sitting around outside and they exchange "pleasentries" with one another. But to sit all alone, inside a place, Mob Boss and FBI agent, talking one on one, is out of the realm. Totally unrealistic.

Uncle Junior? Well I for one still do NOT believe that he is as crazy as everyone thinks that he is! He was smart enough to give the money that Bobby gave back to him, to the caretaker and whisper "One hand washes the other."

And his remark to Bobby about his not being alone in the shooting of Tony. Hey! Maybe that was the "cliffhanger" that we all were waiting for! :rolleyes:

Weak, very weak.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.