Originally posted by Mr. Bobby Fontaine:
I've GOT to ask two questions, and y'all tell me at the end of the '07 (Part II) episodes, when I'm proven wrong, but:
(1) Exactly how many characters do we REALLY care about on this show?
(2) Exactly how many episodes are left?
Try this yourself, fellas, 'cause I just can't think of a ninth character that makes a damn, which means that (just like in real life) a bunch of stugats are gonna survive: Bobby and Janice, probably Paulie, Hell--even Phil Leotardo will "scrape by." Is there a drift, here? Eight episodes, eight hits, a balls-to-the-wall HITFEST in '07! Somebody BIG is gonna die every damned Sunday on this show until it's all gone. My only question: Will it be Tony or Carmella who goes last? 'Cause this existence just ain't big enough for the both of 'em...
So: if I'm right, which eight (major) characters exit early? WHO GETS IT? Lemme know. Selah.
Lol, my girlfriend actually said this exact same thing to me yesterday. I guess it is possible, though I kind of doubt it.
But just for fun, the characters I personally care about: Tony, Carmella, Chris, Paulie, Sil, maybe Meadow and AJ, especially if AJ keeps up his new found maturity. Um...oh yeah, Dr. Melfi.