Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
[quote]Originally posted by DonFerro55:
[b] Beach Party Dance Level.


The level where you have to get 4000 points dancing is impossible. Is there anyway to increase your dancing ability? I try and get almost every single one and still only get about 3100 points each time? This is the only mission I have left to do right now. But I can't get past it. Is there any way to raise your dancing level or something?

That mission was a breeze for me. Just keep trying. And don't worry, the most annoying mission involving remote controlled planes is yet to come. :rolleyes:

I will be in Las Venturas today or tomorrow. [/b][/quote]If your talking about that mission for Zero where you have to shoot down the planes, yea its a bitch. I havent even completed it yet, but I doubt his missions are necesary for progression. And i just reached Venturas, but I wasnt able to take much of a look around, because I got hooked on video poker for litrally 2 hours (no joke). I lost twenty grand.

"You can shear a sheep many times, but you can skin him only once."
-Amarillo Slim