here is some next generation rumour out of EGM.
We Can All Be Heroes
Last issue, I was rapping about how massively multiplayer online role-playing games (know to some peeps as simply MMORPGs) would have a much lasrger presence on the next wave of consoles. I wasn't yanking your chain, as I'm now hearing that an MMORPG using the marvel license is planned for both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. And here are a few nuggets about the game: Instead of donning, say, Spidey's or Wolverine's tights, you'll create a fully customizable character who can meet up with several CPU-controlled marvel legends, become their temporary protege, and earn some of their signature moves via completing heroic deeds throughout the game's crime-filled metropolis. Sounds, uh, super!
Also the new Gameboy should have Gamecube graphics and the new PSP GTA will be multiplayer.