Originally posted by Paul Krendler:
Let's not forget that in one of the missions (don't ask me which one) Tommy has to dress up and impersonate a Cuban. That lends some credence to the theory that Tommy may have been from Cuba or a similar country.

I personally believe Tommy is Italian. Works better for me and makes it a little less like Scarface.
are ya kidding...

Vice City is Miami...

the mad director (I don't remember his name) is Steven Speilberg the proof : he always wanted a big shark in his movie, after you finish Candy Suxxx misssions the movie names is Bite which is near to JAWS... Speilbergs movie!!!

And the congress man Alex Shrub (Somethin like) I heard rumors that he's Bill Clinton? not sure?

"Pain has no tendency, in its own right, to proliferate. When it is over, it is over, and the natural sequel is joy."
- C. S. Lewis

"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh"
- George Bernard Shaw