Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
One rumor I heard about GTA4 is how that its a massive attempted expansion from what we've seen of SAN ANDREAS. Instead of a giant state with three major cities, it would be.....gulp....COUNTRIES. Ya, try to comprehend that.
The only problem with that is that it would be a tiny tiny country, Take 2 would never attempt anything like it, at least not for a very long time. If you think that the "cities" in SA are about as big as a village in real life (in terms of how quickly you can drive through them etc), and say on average 15 cities make up a small country in real life, that's a hell of a small country in SA terms. The cities in SA would have to be much bigger before a whole country could actually feel like a whole country.

"Just When I Thought I Was Out - They Pulled Me Back In....."