Originally posted by JustMe:
... I always said that Puzo made it all fairly clear
Yes, he did make certain things VERY clear in the novel and for that reason it's interesting that in GFII he allegedly fought the idea of Fredo being killed because of the betrayal to Michael. Luckily, Puzo eventually conceded on the basis that GFII was FFC's baby, not his.

While Tom is explaining to Kay why both Tessio and Carlo had to die, how neither could be excused for their betrayals to the Family, despite Michael's fondness for Tessio and Carlo's family ties...he is also setting the stage for Fredo's punishment (although it is not written until years later). If these two were once and future dangers to the Family, then of course, so was Fredo. And therefore, brother or not...Fredo had to go.

But of course, that's another thread.... grin


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.