Result Unofficial Pending Drug Test

Chicago Dec 27 (AP)

The Chicago Bulls 100-86 win over the Washington Wizards was declared unofficial last night by NBA Commissioner David Stern, pending the results of a drug test administered to Bulls point guard Jamal Crawford immediately following the contest.

The test was administered under a never before invoked provision of the collective bargaining agreement between the NBA and the Players Union, which allows for drug testing "immediately following a game in which the performance by any player is so ridiculously better than can be expected that one might reasonably suspect that such performance may have been enhanced by the use of an illegal substance."

Crawford, who scored 42 points on 16-27 shooting, and added 4 rebounds 6 assists, 4 steals, and 2 blocks, while committing only 1 turnover, was the first player subjected to testing under this new provision of the CBA, which went into effect prior to the season.

League officials were waiting for Crawford in the Bulls locker room immediately following the game, and security guards led him to the lavoratory and stationed themselves outside, despite Crawford's protests that "I don't gotta pee, man. Know what I'm saying?".

After finally emerging with a urine sample, Crawford was questioned by reporters, who asked if he were under the influence of any performance enhancing drugs or steroids, to which Crawford replied "I don't do drugs, man, and I didn't take no stereos. Know what I'm saying?".

Commissioner Stern announced that should Crawford's test results prove to be positive, the game would be forfeited by the Bulls, and all of Crawford's statistics would be wiped out.

"Difficult....not impossible"