As we're winding down the days from the first half, and with first place all but won, it's time to give out First Half-end awards and predictions...

Player of the Half: Plaw... Put a stranglehold on first place and never relinquished it. (I'm hoping this becomes "Dewey Defeats Truman" type post! )

Player to Watch for the 2nd Half: LE... Although he doesn't appreciate the beauty of statistical discussions, he's put in a good showing since joining us. I neither have the time nor the inclination to check for myself, but I bet he's among the top 4 since he's joined.

Player Most Likely to Pick Wang ZhiZhi because she likes his name: Crabby!

Player Most Likely to Pick Brad Miller because... just because!: Pork

Player Most Likely to Pick Up an Endorsement Contract: Plaw. He'll sign with the U.S. Postal Office because neither rain, sleet, snow nor hail will keep him from picking his fantasy team. You can add sex, drugs, rock and roll, religion, girlfriend, and family to that list too - NONE of them will keep him from picking his team. (Crabby will be endorsed by Nick's Fish Market!)

Player Most Likely to Quit: FS... See you in baseball, dude - but you're always welcome for the 2nd half of basketball.

Player Most Likely to be Termed "Quiet but Dangerous": SP

Player Most Likely to Quote Tupac to Describe His First Half Performance: Philly "We ain't got no orange" Pat