Originally posted by plawrence:
I know JG probably thought this post was going to be me crowing about passing him in the standings, but don't worry; that's not my intention at all.
It doesn't hurt to mention it though! Ha ha!

On that note, I won't mention either that I jumped from last place (at least until LDV came late in the week) to second place because I don't want to jinx myself, unlike JG who is constantly jinxing himself!

JG... I had a quick question. I don't know if the BB has the capability, but how about making the fantasy season more interesting... Whoever the winner is, under his/her name or rank, you place something like "Reigning BB Fantasy Baseball Champ" much like "Moderator" is under SC's rank. It would serve as a reminder to the other 6 losers... er non-winners! Anyway, sorry if it's a stupid suggestion.