Those were great Bad Daddy! I'm pretty sure about the first one, but am having a little trouble with the second one! Can you help a brother out?? :p

Let me throw a couple out there (Little did you all know that I went to the Bad Daddy school of impressions):

/&%##$ Damn #$$@# Pitching Staff! Go with my first choice, go with my first choice, how easy is that to follow? Honestly. #$#?>#$


I started 10 days late... Did you know that? Really, I did. I started 10 days late. Just wanted to make sure you knew, because I wouldn't want you to be devoid of the knowledge that I started 10 days late. Yea, that's right. Not 9 days, not 11 days, but 10 days. Period.

How'd I do, boss?