I guess we should help out the newbies with a few words about doubleheaders, also... :rolleyes:
And, BTW guys, I'm giving out these strategy tips because I want to win strictly because I play the game better, not because I know how to play the game better, if you see the distinction. In other words, you won't be getting any advice here (I hope) on strategy for picking your players.
Anyway, anytime there's a doubleheader, the player's stats count for both games. So if you pick a guy who plays both games, and he gets 8 or 9 at bats, he has an excellent chance of earning you more points than a guy who is only playing one game that day.
That usually translates to a mediocre offensive player being a better selection than a star player on that particular day.
The same for your pitching staff. Two mediocre games for 12-15 points each can easilly add up to more points than one well-pitched game, especially if you get at least one win, since before the games even start, you have an automatic +54 for 18 innings pitched (or +48 if you happen to pick a road team's pitching staff, and they lose both games). That's a tough edge to overcome with only one game.
Most days your pitching points result in a positive score, so it's very tough to overcome a two game total with even one well-pitched game. However, if your staff gets racked up in both games, it can result in a huge negative total.
The thing is, though, when you select your players on a given day, there's no indication next to the player's name that his team is playing a doubleheader that day. All they give you is the name of the team he's playing against, and the name of one of the opposing starting pitchers, so you kind of have to know when a doubleheader is scheduled.
You really have to pay attention here, because early in the season there are frequent rainouts, and doubleheaders get scheduled as make-up games at the last minute. That's why some of us serious players wake up in the middle of the night to check our rosters one last time before the 3:00 A.M. Eastern time deadline.