Originally posted by Don Sicilia: [quote]Originally posted by J Geoff: [b] Plaw - Way to not intimidate our Kraut-Mick friend who's thinking of joining!
I read plaw's treatise and it made perfect sense to me. I'm sure it made sense to Pork also.
I wonder what it looks like to someone who has never played! [/b][/quote]I'm not sure if I'm going to be playing a game, developing a business mission statement or doing research for a doctoral thesis. Plaw, you astound me. For a guy who spent countless hours at the Fillmore in a purple haze, you are quite cogent and lucid. But, I'm an old dog who likes new tricks so I'm going to stumble along with the Baseball Challenge. But I'm not going to get up at 3am to check for rainouts, injury reports or curfew violations. PLAY BALL!!
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12