Well it seems like there is a lot of that double entendre going on here, so here is some food for thought:
As a participant, golf is my sport when it comes to swinging something. I'd say I prefer hitting them straight than being a free-swinger. But on the right course I could take a little risk and become a free-swinger. Putting is really the strength of my game. I have an eye for the curves and undulations. Usually my speed is right-on for letting it fall into the hole. I usually never ram it home, but I will if the situation calls for it. There is nothing like the feel of a lush surface for rolling them true. My short game has been improving. I have a good imagination. I can bump and run or send one high with a soft landing. The key has been to keep my head down and maintain an even tempo. Don't rush it.
I used to play softball in my younger days. I pitched. I had good control and ball movement. With the lumber I liked to go to the opposite field. Never struck out; always made contact.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12