Well, it's finally here -- the first game less than nine hours away. Plus basketball going, too. As a gambler, I love April thru mid-June, when there's basketball and baseball to bet on, as well as September & October when there'e football and baseball.
Anyway, here's my analysis of the players for the upcoming season. The "probable odds" are for the first half only. Last season's cumulative scores in parentheses.
plawrence (8348): Waltzed through the first half last season, winning 4 or 5 weeks in a row at one point. Lost the second half to then-upstart Douche Bigelow (who went on to prove his fantasy mettle in basketball), but finished first in cumulative points by a comfortable margin. Coming off the four halves of his last two fantasy games (1st & 2nd in baseball, 1st and probably no worse that 2nd in basketball), PL has to be installed as the early favorite. Odds 5-2
Douche Bigelow (8004): First in last year's baseball second half, fourth in overall points. But had a slow start the first few weeks of the first half, and that cost him. Since then he's been the second strongest fantasy player on the Gangster BB, and his rivalry with PL will certainly be an historic one if they both hang around for the next few years. Has ice water in his veins and never gets rattled, although he has a tendency to whine too often. But at least he he gives you a "whine alert" when he does. A solid choice for second, but don't be shocked if he wins it all Odds 7-2
LaDolce Vita (8071): Probably the most experienced fantasy player here, and very knowledgable for a chick. Finished third in overall points last season, and might have finished second if JG didn't cheat by getting a one day head start on everyone. But here first love is football and the 49ers, so it's hard to see her winning. Besides, she is a chick. But a solid choice for third. Odds 5-1
JG (8097): Had been playing fantasy baseball for years, but it took about a week of playing with us newbies last year for him to learn the correct strategy. He definitely stepped his game up a notch to compete with people he knew, but it wasn't enough. Continued to make mistakes all of last season, like picking injured players, forgetting that Mike Piazza doesn't catch a day game after a night game, or not setting his roster. Finished third in the overall standings last season, but only because he got a one day head start. Has to rate slightly lower than LDV Odds 6-1
SC (6983): Showed flashes of brilliance last season, but has a problem paying attention. Had way too many days when he didn't change his roster. If he concentrates all season he could be a factor, but off of last year who knows if he will? Odds 8-1
Irishman (NY Goodfellas) (DNP last year): No fantasy history here, but posts in other threads show that he knows his sports. Given the other players, I have a feeling he could be the best of the rest as long as he doesn't let his love of the Yankees influence his picks. Odds 10-1
Big Daddy Don (8004): Hasn't joined the league yet. Probably waiting to start 10 days late like he did last year, so he has a built in excuse for not winning. If he starts on time, he could be a factor, since if you give him an additional 400 points or so for the ten days he missed, he would have been right in the thick of the battle for second place in cumulative points last season. Still, it's hard to pick a wuss to win, and he's probably the biggest whiner around. Odds 15-1
MaryCas (Kraut Micks)(DNP last year): Hard to figure. Have the feeling that he's just trying the game out and won't last the season. A noted Thespian, he'll probably drop out as soon as he has to spend his time learning some new lines for a play or something. Still, has been a sports fan for probably 35 years or more, so he has the potential to figure the game out. But he was the morning line favorite in the NCAA Tournament game, and did nothing. Odds 25-1
fathersson (4375): Strictly a front runner. If he doesn't break on or near the top and stay there, he quickly loses heart and quits. Also handicapped by the fact that he doesn't play to win. Good thing spelling doesn't count in this game, either. Has a million differnt excuses why he doesn't do well, but if he specnt half as much time paying attention to the game as he does writing his long-winded posts criticizing others, he might do better. Odds 30-1
Tony Mosrite (Destroy Squad): Who knows? Missed too many days of Fantasy Basketball to get a good reading on him, but if he misses as many days of baseball, he won't go far. besides, what can a guy from the Southern hemisphere now about the Great American Pastime? Cuba or the Dominican Republic, OK. But Peru? Odds 50-1