Sorry, let me correct that statement. They started to high so if they go higher they will put many good players out of range. So if you use them you will have nothing left for your other positions.
The truth is most people want to follow the games along with this fantasy game. Hell, if the big names are out of reach and or half you team are 2nd levels players because that is all you can fit in. Then they will not play half the time or you will lose interest in following these lower based players.
The playing field has to be within reach. It should be a matter of picking ONE of twenty good players of many good teams playing in each poistion. Not keep prices going up, choking off your picks because of the salary cap.
ONLY gun owners have the POWER to PROTECT and PRESERVE our FREEDOM. " is their (the people's) right and duty to be at all times armed" - Thomas Jefferson, June 5, 1824
Everyone should read. "HOW TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD"
CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.
You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?
Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!