First I want to say that I hate this game - I am not playing next year. Hell I probably won't be playing next week.

BUT I did notice that I was high score last week and I wanted to thank all of you for your congrats. :rolleyes: My friends and family will be sooo proud. So for the first time I could have heard that I was the best, that there is nobody better - oh wait I just heard that the other night, but I digress. :p

Anyway just left a meeting and it now appears that Big Daddy is taking his act to road. Have some traveling coming up - about half dozen sites through the country. The most sure one is Arkansas one on the west coast, something down south and some mid-west but I believe I heard one in the Windy City. DB if so you'll need to pick the hot spots for me and my traveling companions, if any. No sites in NY though.

You know PL keeps telling me about these 'shaker bars' he frequents. I have never been to one but that sounds like an interesting place to visit as per PL. Sounds like a lot of 'dancing'. He told me in some PMs how he got a lot 'dates' at these so called 'shaker bars'. Any good ones in Chicago ? Hey, anyone know where PL met his first true love ? DB told me in a PM, I assume PL told him so I guess I can share. He met his first true love about 5 minutes after the box arrived in the mail and he blew her up. :p Thank you, I'm here all week - try the veal and don't forget your waiters and waitress, they are working hard for you.

And PL - you seem a bit quiet since falling to second place. C'mon this is the first half - this is YOUR TIME. This is your half - don't be lettin some young punk like DB take this half away from you. You get your game face on - forget about Fantasy Bass Fishing and Golf and you go and get back what is rightfully yours.

DB you of course will get the second half.