Originally posted by fathersson:
Quit your bitching. How can your boss chase your wife if he doesn't send you out of town on business.
I hear ya - Hey, I believe 'Pops' used to be out of town quite a bit not long before you were born also. :p

Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
Good news for you FS... Per Bad Daddy, hand puppets [b]DO count! [/b]

And this from Mr. 'Butter the lobster'

You know sometimes I don't know why I even bother. I try, and I try, and I try to instill my ever present, mature, thought provoking commentary only to have it bought down to pre-adolescence level. I mean really, you don't see me name calling like oh umm - Mr. Self Service, Mr. Grease Da Axle or even Mr. Sling Jelly. Far from me to get to that level. Not even names for the ladies like Ms. Powder Your Nose or even Ms. Polishing The Pearl. :p

Nope I always try and keep my comments up to the high standards that each of you all have become accustomed from the previous season.

And before PL can yell at me to get back to business - friggin Astros PS with a late game collapse. I don't think I'm playing next year.