Originally posted by J Geoff: Of course, pitching is everything. But, such stats aren't.
Of course, I'm looking at "last week"... it will normalize itself soon enough for the season....
A W is only worth 5 pts. Can't worry yourself about that, only. :p
Obviously, ERA has the most predictive value with respect to a league member's number of pitching points. Since everyone starts each day with a positive pitching total 27, it's earned runs allowed that have the biggest impact. An extra point, plus or minus, for a strikeout, hit walk, etc. doesn't mean a heck of a lot in the long run.
But wins are the second most important pitching stat though, since it's an all or nothing 5 points. It's like almost two extra earned runs your PS did or did not allow, which I think you'd agree is extremely significant.
To say that "A Win is only worth 5 pts. Can't worry yourself about that, only." is plain silly. Earned runs allowed and Wins are the two most important pitching ststs in the game.
As far as the stats "normalizing" themselves, I agree.
I'd guess that at season's end, the guy with the best W-L Record also has the best ERA and the most pitching points, and is the winner.
And that the guy with the second best W-L also has the second best ERA and the second most pitching points, and finishes second.
It may not follow exactly right down the line, but I bet it's real, real close, just as it was last year. Hell, it's close already.
Last week's wild fluctuations between W-L and ERA were due strictly to games when a PS got badly beat up on, as such fluctuations usually are.