Did someone just tell my man DB to "kiss his ass"?
See, 'round these parts it is totally acceptable to make fun of the way people look, totally kick them when they are down and out or question their manhood (not applicable in Buffy's case, of course ). But if you are telling someone to kiss your ass in a non-sexual manner - well, them is fightin' words!
Too funny...DB is THE most calm and rational of all of them. I'd ask him to kiss a part of my anatomy and he would probably turn me down. He is a true gentleman.
btw - nice retort from you DB, glad to see you have some fire in ya!
Now folks, seriously, there are games going on and SOME OF US CARE!!!!
I vote Geoff posts one last time the scores and pitching choices and hopefully I can watch my current 6 points turn into at least 60!!! In other words, some of us want to get back to biz-ness!!!!
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....