WTF? The GOOD news: I managed so far 36 Oh-ffensive points EVEN THOUGH my freak of a Catcher and lazy assed wussed Right Fielder decided not to play. Decent offense for only 7 players. But the rate I am going, I will not only surpass my -31 pitching score from the other night, I may even see a big fat zero (or less) total for the night. Aggh!
Geez, WHAT did I EVER do to you guys, the baseball Gods????!!!!!
What is the WORST part is I KNEW Loaiza was my pick. I even made a bet with my friend Ray that Zito would be better than Loaiza. Ray can't help being a misguided Sox fan - but now he is 5 bucks richer as well thanks to me. And I won't be able to show my face around him for at least a week!
Sexson is a biatch AGAIN unless he comes through with at LEAST 10 more points. You Florida guys got lucky at least ending the night in the black.
for now.
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....