For those that don't know part of my work responsibilities revolve around information (computer) security. Meaning I have the ability to hmm let's say get into systems or parts of systems that I was not intended. Some call it hacking - I frown upon that name. In any event I can often see things and in turn know things that I shouldn't or that people don't believe I know. For example this BB is not the most tightly secured and it is on the internet so late last night I saw some PM's going back and forth between FS and Buffy. I logged some of it and thought you might find the below interesting;

FS - So Buffy a tough night in Mudville
Buffy - I know, don't remind me, I don't feel good - but I look good and isn't that what's really important?
FS - Yes you can't seem to catch a break
Buffy - I don't know what it is with the baseball gods - what it is that they want
FS - well if they are men you can imagine what they want.
Buffy - Ok perv
FS - Don't worry it's not about winning it's all about having fun
Buffy - Well if it is not about winning - why do they keep score ? :p
FS - Trust me there are things more important in life than some baseball games.
Buffy - Does PL know that ?
FS - PL can't tell you what he had for breakfast but he can rattle off stats from 1955
Buffy - Oh he can rattle alright - him and DB get on their stat programs I go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
FS - I hear ya but like I said there are things more important thatn winning in FB, I have quite a long list - would you like to hear them?
Buffy - hmmm no
FS - Ok well one of them is Friday Poker Night Games
Buffy - I thought I said no
FS - And another is watching a movie with my lady
Buffy - which part of no was unclear the N or the O ?
FS - Ha you are funny. So anyway another is crisp fall weather under a moon lit sky.
Buffy - Have you ever heard no means No ?
FS - All the time. And nothing beats a good holiday dinner surrounded by family and friends
Buffy -
FS - And another one is, oh sorry I have to go, Pops needs to the computer.
Buffy - Tell Pops I said hi
FS - He says 'hi' right back at ya
Buffy - I'm gonna have to think of a new dance for the baseball gods tonight
FS - You might want to include a pole
Buffy - Perv
FS - I'm beating BD - Pork is next on my list.
Buffy - BD is a bastid - coming in on top of me and pushing me down yet another place.
FS - I would like to beat PL but again it's not about winning, it's about having fun and ......
Buffy - I gotta go - have a good one
