Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
8 - No one has the Big Unit tonight. Discuss...
Hmm.....you are SURE noone has the BIG UNIT tonight?

Discuss? Surely you didn't mean me. I'd like to discuss how bad this whole game blows. However, back in the day when I played good (last year, remember me - perpetual 3rd place bronze holder?) I would never think of taking even the best pitcher against certain teams. The Scrubbies are one of them. I believe I said the other day Mylanta was the other one.

And love your musings DB - however I do believe #5 and #10 are just filler. I mean, Paris Hilton? Is the world THIS hard up for bad porn?

And #10 - you are just wanting to egg on FS and add another few pages of airy rants to this thread, admit it

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....