Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

9 - ESPN is screwing us with the player values. Pretty soon, we'll all have Ronnie Belliard and Brian friggin' Schneider playing regularly.
In my best Beavis and Butthead:

Heh heh heh heh, DB said "friggin'"

But seriously, I hear you. What is the worst is when one of your 5-6 million dollar players takes a day off. Two days last week, I had TWO big expensive players just opt out of the game - not injured or anything.

The pitching is just so outrageous but didn't it level out last year? I seem to remember the same thing happening and I think the Yankees PS just stayed at 7.5 million last year. This year, Boston, Cubs, LA, Oakland et al will be tough to have along with good offensive players.

I do agree with what someone said earlier - cant remember who - it DOES make the game more interesting. The picks are not as predicatable as if we could all pick the same good people. Sometimes you just have to find that one diamond player amidst all the 3 million dollar rubble.

Ok, so from where I sit, the game is interesting. I never said it was fun from where I sit.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....