Originally posted by fathersson: For crying out loud. Why don't you two get a room.
Whooosshhh... That was the sound of the joke going over FS's head! :p Of course, I'm only joking with you, FS!
I would say that the poem was written tongue in cheek, but then Bad Daddy would have inserted a "tongue in cheek" joke here.
Anyway, what I do for fun... Lately, I've been working too much to have fun, but here's a list in no particular order...
Spending time with the special lady, of course Taekwondo - injuries have been killing me though Sports - playing and watching (except hockey - hockey is not a sport, although I would like to play one day) Reading Watching movies Watching TV - need TIVO badly! Family, friends Work - I honestly enjoy doing my job Karaoke - all Filipinos can sing, you know!