Originally posted by fathersson: IM, since I'm not here to win, you can mail me anytime
Originally posted by Irishman12: thank you too FS for the open invitation. Should I e-mail you or private message you through the BB?
It seems as though IM did exchange some PMs with FS last night. BD hacked in and thought I'd be amused, so he sent me a transcript. He asked me not to reveal the contents, but I couldn't resist. So with apologies to Big Daddy....
IM: Gee FS, it was nice of you to invite me to email you. FS: No problem. We kids have to stik together. IM: So what's the real deal with you and PL. Why does he always seem to pick on you? FS: Well, he's just a hard and biter old man. He claims to leed a rich and full life, but I think that all he really has is fantasy -- games and otherwise. IM: No, really? He was always nice to me. FS: That's just an act. He really doesn't give a dam. He just wants to get on his soapbox and make a speach. IM: Oh. That makes sense, I guess. So tell me, is it really true that you don't want to win? FS: I'd love to win. The problem is, I'm just not any dam good at the game. Beleive me, I try, thouhg. IM: Gee, that's too bad. So all this business about playing for fun is just an act, then? FS: Yeah. I even miss a day or too now and then just to make it look good. I make up a lot of excuses about girlfriends and poker games and stuff, but nun of it's true. IM: Well, I'm trying to win. PL is 100% right about what I said about Kerry Wood. I see why you should keep information like that to yourself. FS: Of corse he's write. I just hate to admit it. IM: You know, FS, you don't exactly seem like the happiest person in the world. FS: It's all the meds I take. Also, it can be pretty upseting being around ded bodys all the time. IM: What are "ded bodys"? You know FS, you should really watch your spelling. FS: There not speling mistakes, thier tipos. IM: Um, what's a "tipo" FS: You no, a tipografikal eror. IM: Gee, I guess I better get my "Hooked on Phonics" book. What the hell is a "tipgraf...". Never mind, I figured it out. FS: Good four you, kido. IM: What's a "Kido"? And how about those "ded bodys"? FS: Never mind. IM: Well, I gotta go. I have some studying to do, and then I'm going out with this really good looking girl from one of my classes. What are you going to do tonight? FS: Cut the grass. IM: Cut the grass? FS: Yeh. I love the smel of freshly cut grass in the eevning. IM: Well, have fun. I'll talk to you soon. FS: Anytime, IM. It was my pleasure.