Yo Yo Yo Big Daddy in Da House ..... and giving a shout out to all my peeps
In short this game bites although somehow I have aligned myself up to the baseball gods for the time being. The last few days have been really crazy for me - not necessarily a 'good' crazy so even hitting the bb site was a chore. I saw from the Rook IM12 that there was a DH with Boston earlier in the week - had no idea (thanks IM), would not have known so I quickly loaded up my roster on Wed for the DH - not realizing that in my haste the DH was really for Thursday not Wednesday - but I lucked out with the BoSox that night - but truth is it was a fluke.
Had my roster set yesterday, was out late last night with friends, got home, and checked for messages and scores only to see all the DHs for today. I had hmmmm other things to do - so I really had to bang it out in like 5 minutes - my roster that is. And it was really hard - picking the players that is :p because of all the DHs going on.
Today I am out all day, I'll set my lineup now if I get back tonight to see more DHs, I'm done.
But as I said I have been lucky and have discovered the secret to this game. And that is to put as little time in it as possible.
So lot's of DHs today - lots of weather - lots of choices it will be interesting to see where everyone is when the dust settles.