Still not feeling 100% Pee. Doctor says it will take at least a week for things to work itself out of here. Then look out!

Looks like the fronts moved alot quicker then they thought they would. Lets play ball!

Weather is great in CNY. 80 and just a perfect day. Everyone is out shopping for gardening stuff. The stores were packed. Well, I have to help do some stuff around the homestead. Time to break out all the stuff for the decks and the patio. Mom like things ready for Mothers Day and I always like to get her hanging baskets for her gift. She loves the look and the fact that they last all summer long. Hope everything is as nice by you as it is here.

Bethie, time to change that IV line, it is looking alittle yellow!

ONLY gun owners have the POWER to PROTECT and PRESERVE our FREEDOM.
" is their (the people's) right and duty to be at all times armed" - Thomas Jefferson, June 5, 1824

Everyone should read. "HOW TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD"

CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!