Originally posted by Don Sicilia: 6 - Buffy, you still OK down there?? Nice to see that your PS choice made major league history this weekend! :p
Doing good way down herethanks. I don't want to get TOO comfortable! :p
I was pulling for Boston Rob. But alas, he has it wicked haaaad for Amber. Schmuck. Like that union will last :rolleyes:
Best moment last night, Jerri getting booed and leaving the show. Miss Manipulative Biyatch herself.
And thanks to you DB, I now know it is Colby in those Schick commercials I like so much. Why then, did he have so much stubble last night?
No day games today, guess I will work like a dog and get caught up. If Bethie doesn't heal that leg soon, I will be carting her around in a wheelchair in 2 weeks and that will totally suck! Gosh Bethie, there ARE better ways of getting out of working! :p
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....