Monday's Results

PL   1772   Mets (24)  05  1777
DB   1731   Ariz  (4)  26  1757
BD   1643   Toro  18   43  1686
JG   1637   Bosox(10)  26  1663  
FS   1487   Bosox(10)  08  1495
SC   1432   Bosox(10)  34  1466
LD   1321   Bosox(10)  42  1363
IM   1284   Bosox(10)  03  1287
MC   1200   Ariz  (4) (04) 1196
Only one of us (BD) picked a winning PS.

Three games...48 runs...some pitching duels, huh?

Buffy had 52 offensive points....good picking, Buff, but in the future please refrain from picking the same PS as me!
