Some things going on regarding work - upcoming project that will keep me out of the office. With little time to make roster changes during the day I don't want to have to make them at home at night - that takes the fun out of it. I can spend 10 minutes making changes at lunch but when I have to do it at home than it becomes more of a chore.
And since I do play to win - otherwise why do they keep score :p I know if I go a few days without changing my roster and watch my team go south that would make me not want to even keep up with it. So later today I'll remove my team from the league to make it easier for those doing the morning updates. Actually I won't get busy with the new stuff for a few days but it should happen and today seems like a good day to end. Retired with the bronze - reached the 98% ranking (the family will all be so proud) AND I leave having Wood. C'mon what better way to leave than that.
I'll still be around abit though just not playing in fantasy baseball.
I did find out that though that with the new responsibilities later in the year probably some travel again - I thought I was done with that. Anyway, two sites in California, Detroit, Cinn. and Texas I heard today. And as I mentioned awhile back very good chance Chicago, the Windy City might need to be there a bit if they put this new office in there. DB gonna hook me up ??? C'mon help a brother out. Let me use your place for internet access. I think Pork, PL, SC and MC are all in NY so don't have any plans for there that I know of though. Hey, I can hear the collective sighs of relief from the four of you all the way over here. Dang that was cold blooded.
Not that anybody really cares - but didn't want to just pull out without an explanation. eww that didn't sound right.
And look, it's thought provoking, 3rd grade humor like that - that y'all gonna miss.