Originally posted by La Dolce Vita: [QUOTE]SIDEBAR to DB: See? Crying = sympathy votes ...can you say L-U-C-K-Y-B-R-E-A-K???? My family is boycotting the show now, won't even watch the rest of the season. Let's all vote for Fantasia - the most annoying Idol ever. Wouldn't you just looove to see her Christmas album come out????
I predict Jasmine is now the new "Jon Stevens". Oh why, couldn't that bull dog face Fantasia go? If she wins, I'm not watching the show next year.
Well, well, Buffy still has DH offense. Yup, coink-ee-dee-kee. The pitching for those teams suck anyway. You're probably better off.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin