If i ever quit, I will never tell you guys. But then you would probably not notice my absence for several weeks...
People really think this fantasy stuff takes up alot of quality time.
Hey, I don't hardly watch television.
I run and do my gym stuff at 5:30 in the morning BEFORE work.
I have sex most times AFTER the games have ended at night, during the commercials or in the morning if I cut my workout short and/or am late to work....
I do most everything baseball related during the day, 1st thing in the morning or on/after my lunch hour.
The most time I really spend on this stuff is trying to make intelligent, arousing, stimulating conversation here with you guys.
Hey, it's a hobby. More fufilling than stamp collecting or cake decorating in my book!
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....