Because I'm a nerd ,I was curious to see how we are doing compared to last year... Most of us would be dominating last year, even if you take into account that most of us (except JG) started one day late, Buffy two days late, and BD 10 days late last year.

CY = Current Year
LY = Last Year

PL (CY) 2240
DB (CY) 2197
JG (CY) 2072
PL (LY) 2048
LD (LY) 1991
UU (LY) 1885
JG (LY) 1879
DB (LY) 1860
SC (CY) 1834
FS (CY) 1826
HH (LY) 1789
OA (LY) 1720
LD (CY) 1703
SC (LY) 1668 
BD (LY) 1603
MC (CY) 1511