
DB 2478  Florida  (11) 52  2530 * 
PL 2488  Florida  (11) 36  2524  
JG 2227  Florida  (11) 50  2277  
FS 1988  Atlanta  (27) 63  2051  
SC 1981  Arizona (-28) 09  1990  
LD 1923  Houston (-05) 21  1944  
MC 1702  Florida  (11) 11  1713  
Congrats, Douche!

And FS, stop having "Pops" do your roster for you! :p

Just for fun, here are our standings as of May 24, 2003:

PL 2302 ChiSox (22) 65 2367
LD 2185 ChiSox (22) 44 2229
JG 2115 Dbacks (09) 30 2145    
UU 2075 Dodger (34) 63 2138
DB 2071 ChiSox (22) 47 2118
OA 1927 Mutts (-19) 26 1953
HH 1907 Yanks  (08) 27 1934
SC 1840 Braves (18) 63 1903
BD 1791 ChiSox (22) 58 1849 
UU - Congrats on Nomo's 2-hit shutout. 
Even though you haven't changed your 
PS in weeks :p   
Look, I was right! 4th Place, and 63 pts exactly one year apart. Plus the best PS of the day, which was picked alone. Hmmmm....

And hmmm.... look whose tail I was chasing a year ago!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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