Players in DH...

DB - Bako, Ward, Walker, Ramirez, SS Wilson, Alou, Patterson

PL - 1B Wilson, Mackowiak, Ramirez, SS Wilson, Alou, Patterson

JG - Barrett, Ward, Mackowiak, Ramirez, SS Wilson, Alou, Patterson

FS - Kendall, 1B Wilson, Walker, Ramirez, Alou

SC - None

LD - Barrett, Lee, Mackowiak, Ramirez, Alou, Redman, Macias

MC - None

Players from DH that people want to do really well...

DB - Bako, Ward, Walker
PL - 1B Wilson, Mackowiak
JG - Barrett, Ward, Patterson (to distance from FS)
FS - Kendall, 1B Wilson, Walker
SC - Banking on non-DH players
LD - Barrett, Lee, Mackowiak, Ramirez, Alou, Redman, Macias
MC - Banking on non-DH players